Monday, March 29, 2010

The Good Librarian

Being a good musician is as much about being a good librarian... ok point taken!


Midi controller plug and play?

I bought a nifty little 2 octave usb midi controller Akai LPK25 recently. Expected it to be "plug and play" which in a way it did in how its drivers were installed automatically by WinXP but my PreSonus Studio One needed to "setup" or "reconnect" to the controller whenever I plugged it in.

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Sunday, March 21, 2010

Optimizing PreSonus Studio One performance on an EeePC netbook

When playing sequences on the PreSonuc Studio One Artist on my EeePC netbook, I found the following:

- adjusting the netbook performance to "High Performance" causes some jitters during play back.
- switching netbook performance to "Power Saving" mode eliminates the jitters! But this will cause all other applications to be sluggish.

Power Saving mode's better than High Performance for audio stuff? Wierd. Maybe it's the spikes in CPU or the internal fan that's causing problems.

== UPDATE ==

Seems like the problem's solved after upgrading the stock Studio One from installation cd (v1.0.0) to the latest (v1.0.3). No more jitters experienced yet.

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Saturday, March 20, 2010

Fixing Presonus Audiobox USB problem on Windows XP


Installed Presonus Audiobox USB drivers from CD and Presonus Studio One. Sound was totally unstable from the get go.


Download the latest driver from Presonus website. Apparently there's problem with the old drivers with USB. When installing the new driver, select "Uninstall old drivers" first before trying to install the new ones, else you'll get "blue screen of death". Sound from Audiobox was much more stable after installing the new driver.

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