Friday, December 23, 2005

Feature: Steve Vai - For The Love of God

Hi all,

Sorry for the lack of updates. Had a trip to Vietnam and was busy with a school camp after. Vietnam's an interesting place I must say. More about it next time. For now I would like to share with you a great video of Mr Steve Vai playing one of my all time favourite instrumental piece, "For The Love Of God". This song was actually the first instrumental that I've heard when I was 12 yrs old and it just blew my mind away with it's arrangements and awe inspiring licks. I happened to be at his concert here in Singapore a year ago and it was fantastic. Mr Vai just teased us with the way he danced around his electric guitar! The video gives us a good idea of his virtuosity, though I think he performed better in his Singapore concert...

If the streaming's abit slow, pause the playback & wait for the stream to finish before hitting the play button again.

But wait a min... it seems like the guys who caught him at Croatia got a better deal! ;P

Tags: guitarist, steve_vai, video

Friday, December 02, 2005

Guitar duel - Steve Vai vs "little boy"

Hi all,

Happen to find this video on YouTube... it's from a relatively unknown movie called "Crossroads" and it's about a boy who later became a great blues guitarist. .. don't count on my sypnosis, i haven't watched the show yet... heh

This is a classic good vs evil scene where the real life guitar virtuoso Steve Vai [link: bio] acting as the baddie fighting it out with a reel life blues-based "boy genius".

Most of the guitar parts were recorded by Steve himself save the awesome slide guitar works, which were done by bluesmaster Ry Cooder [link: bio].

Enjoy! :)

- download rate's abit slow, so be patient
- pause the playback & wait for file to be fully downloaded before playing the video
- don't chew food in yr mouth, least you get choked :P

Tags: guitarist, guitar_duel, steve_vai, ry_cooder, little_boy, video